Gilda Rizzo

Excerpt from Interview with Gilda on 14th March 2015 by Angela Stretch:

Will I be accepted here?  Well, here you are accepted.  

It’s always— Lesley encourages artists all the time, especially the ones that feel like, oh maybe I’m not good enough and through her support, I think a lot of artists here have blossomed which is a really good thing.

Always loved what Lesley was doing with the Gallery, always— I mean it’s just, it’s so accepting you can do any kind of art, you don’t have to be famous, you can be a beginner.   It’s totally open.   You can read out your poetry, you can do whatever you want.   You don’t have to be…  You’re never constrained here.  But in terms of… you don’t have to be like some galleries you have to have been known for years and still you can’t get in, whereas, here, it’s so accepting and so welcoming and that’s what I love about it.   There are no boundaries in the sense of who are you and what do you do?  How many years have you been painting for? Or any of that sort of stuff.   

On The Broken Wings Of A Song” digital soundscape and video. “Peek into the window, into a journey of love, madness, badness and sadness. My soundscape is made using my music and my daughter’s. Recorded slices of everyday life, and my poetry, the work includes an underlying sound of 288Hz, meant to activate the Pineal gland to create harmony and coherency in the body and mind.

“The reference to the broken wings is how my attempt to soar has been hampered by my lifelong struggle with depression and anxiety but redeemed by the absolute highs of divine connection through music.”

Note: As this was originally a soundscape please listen to this through earphones to get the full effect of the layers of sound.

Bio: Gilda Rizzo is mainly a self taught artist, singer, musician, actor and poet.  Her practice uses a variation of mediums and media. Visit: